This gentleman needs little introduction, Reginald van Lamoen is my dad and definately a S T A R M E M B E R this week. Reginald retired with over 40 years of experience in care and service at St Elizabeth Hospital and joined the team of Inspiracion Curacao. The birds eye view in every step. #teaminspiracioncur#inspiracioncuracao #creatingmemorabledecor#icbeautiful #eventosquecuentanhistoria
This gentleman needs little introduction, Reginald van Lamoen is my dad and definately a S T A R M E M B E R this week. Reginald retired with over 40 years of experience in care and service at St Elizabeth Hospital and joined the team of Inspiracion Curacao. The birds eye view in every step. #teaminspiracioncur#inspiracioncuracao #creatingmemorabledecor#icbeautiful #eventosquecuentanhistoria