Meet Argeniece Batta! Another S T A R M E M B E R on our productionteam. Argeniece has experience in different departments of Inspiración. She is pretty much aware that time is crucial but every project needs to be executed with care, even if Alex is getting a nervous breakdown. #teaminspiracioncur#creatingmemorabledecor #icbeautiful#eventosquecuentanhistoria
Meet Argeniece Batta! Another S T A R M E M B E R on our productionteam. Argeniece has experience in different departments of Inspiración. She is pretty much aware that time is crucial but every project needs to be executed with care, even if Alex is getting a nervous breakdown. #teaminspiracioncur#creatingmemorabledecor #icbeautiful#eventosquecuentanhistoria